Ensure the safest
Infection Control

Lease to own SterilWize with $0 Down ! Let SterilWize Pay for Itself !
SterilWize augments your team providing 24/7 peace of mind to patients and healthcare practitioners.

The New Era of Dental Safety & Efficiency

With the ever-increasing demands of dentistry changing each day, the need for automation and digitalization for your dental practice is more important than ever.

SterilWize is designed to help clinicians, practice management and infection control practitioners avoid time-consuming manual and administrative work and allow them to focus more efficiently on patient safety.

Be Wise With SterilWize

"At our clinic, we are proud to use SterilWize to ensure our instrument sterilization process is completed safely and efficiently. It's not WISE, unless you use STERILWIZE!!"
- Dr. Jessie McAllister, McAllister Dentistry, Ottawa

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SterilWize is the most comprehensive automated system to achieve compliance with data validation, while saving time, reducing human error, and automatically generating required IPAC reports.

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Why SterilWize?

Complete Traceability

Effectively increase patient safety and track where an instrument is at any given point, trace where and when it was used and on which patient within any particular time frame.

Cost Reduction

Automating infection control compliance documentation helps avoid time-consuming manual staff resources on paperwork, optimizing usage-based cost allocation and better inventory management.

Increased Productivity

Streamline your sterilization workflow by incorporating workflow optimization through a completely automated system, achieving a higher level of day-to-day efficiency and patient engagement.


Provides assurances to the clinic owner that the procedures are carried out properly in accordance with required standards.


Instant digital documentation of all aspects of the sterilization process, including staff member responsible,  biological and external indicators,  the appropriate temperature, pressure and time specifications for the specific equipment used.


Offers the opportunity to demonstrate conclusively to a patient, regulator, or public health authority that appropriate sterilization standards have been met.

Who Can Use SterilWize ?

Dental and Medical Clinics

Healthcare Professionals


Products and Services

SterilWize Complete System

SterilWize Complete System

  • Automated system to achieve compliance
    with data validation
  • Automatically generates IPAC reports

Smart DataLoggers

SterilWize Connect/Smart DataLoggers

  • Automated Data Collection from all type of sterilizers
  • Easy to install
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Compliance Trainings

Compliance Trainings

  • Safest Compliance in accordance with
    Health Canada Standards
  • Comprehensive Formal Training
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IPAC Resource Centre

IPAC Resource Centre [Complimentary]

  • Provincial and State Regulations [RCDSO, CDHO, Public Health]
  • Safety Data Sheets

SterilWize Patient/Staff Screening & Consent Forms

SterilWize Patient / Staff Screening & Consent Forms

  • Contactless pre-screening and in-office screening of patients
  • Patient Consent Forms


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